Posted by The Team at Ever Accountable | For Men, For Women, Help for Me, How to, Porn and Sex Addiction Recovery
Reading Time: 7 minutes

So you’ve done it again.

After promising yourself time and time again that you’d quit porn for good, a tiny lapse somehow leads your eyes down a path you just can’t seem to escape.

You might even be kicking yourself right now, wondering, “Why is this so difficult?” 

Why can’t you just stop looking at porn?

Well… that’s because porn addiction is a behavioral addiction, according to Dr. Donald Hilton. 

And just like other addictions, quitting is never going to be as easy as it sounds. 

But here’s the good news:

Once you understand how porn cravings work, you’ll be one step closer to letting go of porn forever. 

In this article, we’ll look at the science behind why people get hooked on porn, the triggers that lead to watching it, and practical steps you can take to reduce your porn consumption right now (and even stop watching porn for good!). 

Why am I so addicted to porn? (the quick answer...)

According to the Addiction Center, porn can be addictive because sexual imagery, when paired with masturbation, releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals, such as dopamine, into the body. 

The more you consume porn, the more your body craves these chemicals. Eventually, you start to become desensitized—leading you to seek out different or more explicit pornographic imagery in search of that dopamine hit (and possibly engage in potentially dangerous sexual activities)

While the American Psychological Association doesn’t classify porn addiction as a mental health problem or disorder, several researchers, including Dr. Donald Hilton say that overusing porn can be a real behavioral problem

That’s why the more you take in, the more your body craves it. Over time, this can lead to a need for stronger forms of the stimulant to satisfy the craving. 

That’s the quick answer. Now let’s take a deeper look at the science behind why people get so hooked on porn

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The science behind porn addiction

According to the Addiction Center, porn can be addictive because sexual imagery, when paired with masturbation, releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals, such as dopamine, into the body. 

The more you consume porn, the more your body craves these chemicals. Eventually, you start to become desensitized—leading you to seek out different or more explicit pornographic imagery in search of that dopamine hit (and possibly engage in potentially dangerous sexual activities)

While the American Psychological Association doesn’t classify porn addiction as a mental health problem or disorder, several researchers, including Dr. Donald Hilton say that overusing porn can be a real behavioral problem

That’s why the more you take in, the more your body craves it. Over time, this can lead to a need for stronger forms of the stimulant to satisfy the craving. 

That’s the quick answer. Now let’s take a deeper look at the science behind why people get so hooked on porn

Reason 1: Losing rational thinking

When observing the brains of people who consume a lot of porn, doctors discovered there was similar damage to the brains of people who were addicted to drugs. This damage is known as cortical hypofrontality. 

Cortical hypofrontality, often called “brain shrinkage,” happens when less blood flows into the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for making rational decisions. 

In layman’s terms, overconsuming porn damages the part of your brain that makes rational decisions. This is why even though you realize that watching porn isn’t healthy, it can still be difficult for you to stop.

Reason 2: Dopamine “overdose”

Dopamine is a natural chemical that helps us stay motivated. When we exercise, our body releases dopamine. When we eat delicious food, our body releases dopamine. That’s why it feels nice when we work out or eat good food. 

As mentioned earlier, pornography and masturbation also release dopamine into your body. However, because of how widespread and accessible pornography is, it’s easy to “overdose” your body with dopamine, which can desensitize your body to it. 

That’s the science behind why you get cravings, and why people tend to seek out different or more extreme forms of pornography the more they watch. 

guy watching phone alone in bedroom why am I addicted to porn

Reason 3: Partners with a screen

During sexual activity, the chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin are released into the body. These help create a chemical “bond” with your partner. 

However, when released while watching pornography, oxytocin and vasopressin create this chemical bond between you and your screen. 

This is one of the main reasons why it’s so hard to let go of pornography. In a small way, giving up porn can be similar to letting go of a real-life partner. You know the cliche, a lot of people still long for an ex, even if they know it’s not good for them! 

How do you get addicted to porn in the first place?

Now that you know the science of why it’s so difficult to quit, let’s take a look at what can trigger people to compulsively watch porn.

First off, getting hooked on porn can happen to anyone. But some especially susceptible groups include: 

  • Young people in their formative years. At first, it can start with simple curiosity. But the addictive nature of porn can have a big impact on young and impressionable brains. When people are exposed to pornography at a very young age, it becomes even harder for them to give it up as they grow older. 
  • People with trauma or who were sexually abused are also susceptible to overusing porn. 
  • People without a strong sense of purpose are also prone to watch excessive amounts of porn. People who don’t have a strong motivation to accomplish something in their life are more likely to consume unhealthy amounts of porn compared to those who have a strong sense of purpose. 
  • People who experience neglect and loneliness are also at risk of watching too much porn. Without a partner to help fulfill their emotional and physical needs, it’s easy to turn to porn as a solution to neglect and loneliness. 
  • People who are ashamed. Perhaps one of the most surprising groups of people susceptible to porn abuse are people who feel shame. You might think that people who feel shame would avoid pornography because it makes them feel guilty. However, the opposite can also be true. People turn to pornography not for pleasure, but for shame. 

How to overcome porn addiction - 4 practical steps you can take

Now that you know the science behind porn addiction and the triggers, let’s get into how you can fight it! 

Here are four practical steps you can take to combat your porn addiction!

Step 1: Identify your triggers

Try to think back to the last time you watched porn. 

Where were you? What were you doing before you watched it? How were you feeling? 

If you take note of when you watch porn, you might notice that there are patterns. For example, some people turn to porn when they’re bored and too tired to do anything else. 

Others are prone to watch porn when they’re alone and have no one to talk to. Still, others get tempted when they see half-naked men or women while scrolling through their Instagram explore page. 

If you notice a pattern, one great way to help reduce your porn consumption is to avoid these situations where you’ll be tempted. It might not be possible to avoid it all the time, but being aware of your triggers goes a long way in helping you fight your porn use. 

So find a new hobby, find someone to talk to, or avoid doom scrolling through social media!

guys chatting in nature why am I addicted to porn

Step 2: Get an accountability partner

A lot of people don’t tell anyone they have a porn problem. They keep it a secret and try to fight it on their own. 

However, having an accountability partner goes a long way in helping you to stop watching porn. 

Yes, it can be hard to admit to someone that you have a problem with porn. But if you know someone you can trust, they can hold you accountable to your goal. 

They can encourage you, listen to you, sympathize with you, and ultimately celebrate with you when you accomplish your goals.

Step 3: Make porn difficult to access

One of the biggest reasons why porn use is so widespread today is how accessible it is. With smartphones and the internet, you have almost unlimited access to pornography in seconds. 

That’s why even the tiniest lapse can lead to pornography use. 

One of the best ways to combat watching porn is by making it more difficult to access porn. There are several programs and smartphone apps that can block pornographic websites. 

Sure, you probably can’t block out porn completely—there will always be sneaky ways to get access. But the more inconvenient you can make porn, the more time you’ll have to think twice about what you’re doing.

Step 4: Get an accountability app

Quick question!

If your accountability partner was looking over your shoulder, would you still look at porn?

The answer for most people would be “no.”

That’s why accountability apps like Ever Accountable are one of the most effective ways to get rid of porn forever. You can get a 14-day FREE trial here.

Rather than simply blocking porn websites (which is easy to work around) these apps work by having a user and an accountability partner. Whatever the user views on his devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc) will be temporarily visible on reports to his or her accountability partner. 

This way, you can’t view porn without anyone knowing anymore. Your accountability partner (either your spouse, a close friend, or someone also fighting against their own porn use), will know exactly when you fail. 

That’s why accountability apps like Ever Accountable have a 95% success rate in reducing porn consumption!

Remember, you’re not alone!

One last thing:

Always remember that you’re not alone. 

There are millions of people who are battling with porn addiction, often including those you’d never expect. You might be surprised to find that others are going through the same things that you are. 

But now that you know why porn can be so addictive, you’re off to a great start to quitting once and for all. 

So identify your triggers, find an accountability partner, and get an accountability app like Ever Accountable to start your journey to a porn-free life today! 

*The Ever Accountable blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or therapy, though we often link to medically reviewed studies.

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